The finished lighted set is beautiful. I love the 2.0 components that allow the bricks to fully connect, but cables could be hidden a little better in some spots. This one was an absolute pain to install, especially because the instructions were unclear in several spots and some of the lights go in very hard to reach spots. I built + lit at the same time and honestly, it would have been easier to build and then light because I ended up having to go to the 'light after building' instructions to get clarity on where some cables were supposed to be threaded. Having every single cable highlighted in yellow makes things very confusing, whereas highlighting them in different colors (or even putting a small number on each one in the instructions) would be super helpful.
There's also one vital bit of information missing on the components page - the visual to explain the FLUX components because once again, the instructions weren't super clear and I spent entirely too long trying to figure out why I couldn't get half the lights to work until I dug around the website and found the 2.0 components FAQ page.